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Open Enrollment Week 4: Understanding Enrollment Periods


Welcome network members to week 4 of open enrollment for 2023 coverage! Today we will be sharing useful information and resources provided by CMS explaining the various enrollment periods for Medicare Part D (drug plans) and Medicare Advantage.

Initial Enrollment Periods:

1. Who? You're newly eligible for Medicare because you have turned 65 years of age.

- When? During the 7-month period that begins 3 months prior to the month you turn 65.

2. Who? You're newly eligible because you have a disability and are under the age of 65.

- When? Starting 21 months after you get Social Security or RRB disability benefits.

3. Who? You are already eligible because of a disability and have turned 65 years of age.

- When? During the 7-month period that begins 3 months prior to the month you turn 65.

4. Who? You already have Medicare Part A and you get Part B for the first time by enrolling during the Part B General Enrollment Period (January 1-March 31).

- When? Between April 1-June 30, yearly.

Yearly Enrollment Periods:

1. Who? Anyone who is already a Medicare beneficiary and has completed their initial enrollment.

- When? Every year from October 15th to December 7th.

2. Who? Those who are already Medicare Advantage beneficiaries (Medicare Advantage open enrollment period).

- When? Every year from January 1st to March 31st.

Special Enrollment Periods:

1. Who? Those who move to a new address that may, or may not, be in your plan's service area.

- When? Either the month before the month you move plus 2 additional months OR the month that you move plus 2 additional months.

2. Who? Those who move back to the U.S. after living abroad.

- When? 2 months after the month you move to the U.S.

3. Who? Those who live in or recently moved out of an institution such as a nursing home or rehabilitation hospital.

- When? As long as you live in the institution and for 2 months after the month you move out.

4. Who? Those released from jail

- When? 2 months after the month you are released from jail.

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