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The C.A.R.E.S. Continuing Education Programs

Intro Module Video
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The C.A.R.E.S. continuing education (CE) programs are designed to provide pharmacists and pharmacy staff an overview of Medicare and the roles of the Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) with the primary goal of improving access to assistance for Medicare beneficiaries. Our CE programs are funded by the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) and are available to community pharmacists in Alabama at no cost. The programs are developed by Dr. Salisa Westrick, Professor and Head of the Harrison College of Pharmacy's Department of Health Outcomes Research and Policy, as a collaborative effort with ADSS.


Four newly updated programs are available for CE credit: 

  1. C.A.R.E.S. Training (3 hour online video module CE) 

  2. Basic Introduction of Medicare: What Pharmacy Personnel Need to Know (1 hour CE article)

  3. Government Assistance Programs to Assist Medicare Patients with Limited Income (1 hour CE article)

  4. Assistance Programs Available to Older Adults (1 hour CE article)


Each program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. See program details below.



C.A.R.E.S. Training - The Role of Pharmacy Personnel in Assisting Medicare Beneficiaries with Limited Income and Resources

Format: Online video modules 3 hour CE
ACPE#: Pharmacists: 0001-9999-23-027-H04-P

ACPE#: Technicians: 0001-9999-23-027-H04-T


  1. Describe the four parts of Medicare, including Medicare coverage, eligibility requirements, enrollment process and cost-sharing mechanisms

  2. Explain how Medicare beneficiaries sign up for or change Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans

  3. Identify Medicare beneficiaries’ barriers to selecting a prescription drug plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan

  4. Discuss the need to assist Medicare beneficiaries with limited income

  5. Identify federal and state programs available for Medicare beneficiaries with limited income and their eligibility requirements

  6. Describe the role of the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) and the Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)

  7. Describe the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 on prescription drug provisions for Medicare beneficiaries

  8. Explain how pharmacists and technicians can be involved in assisting Medicare beneficiaries, especially those who have limited income

After completion of the CE program, participants will receive certificates from Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) to signify that they are Certified Aging Resource Educated Specialists (C.A.R.E.S.).This online program is convenient to busy health care providers like pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, as they can complete it at their own pace.


Basic Introduction of Medicare: What Pharmacy Personnel Need to Know

Format: 1 hour CE article
ACPE#: Pharmacists: 0001-9999-23-041-H04-P
ACPE#: Technicians: 0001-9999-23-041-H04-T


  1. Describe the Medicare Program and enrollment process including the late enrollment penalty

  2. Describe the purpose of Medigap and identify what Medigap may cover

  3. Discuss how the quality of Medicare Part D plans is measured

  4. Discuss the need for yearly plan evaluation for Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans.

Government Assistance Programs to Assist Medicare Patients with Limited Income

Format: 1 hour CE article
ACPE#: Pharmacists: 0001-9999-23-040-H04-P
ACPE#: Technicians: 0001-9999-23-040-H04-T


  1. Identify federal and state programs available for Medicare beneficiaries with limited income and their eligibility requirements

  2. Describe the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 on prescription drug provisions for Medicare beneficiaries

  3. List community agencies that provide free counseling and assistance to Medicare enrollees and their families

Assistance Programs Available for Older Adults

Format: 1 hour CE article
ACPE#: Pharmacists: 0001-0000-20-033-H04-P
ACPE#: Technicians: 0001-0000-20-033-H04-T


  1. Describe the objectives of Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)

  2. Describe ADRCs’ programs in terms of their objectives and eligibility requirements

  3. Identify the local ADRCs with which collaboration can be established

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