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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Meininger

CDC Updates Mandatory Vaccine Information Statements for Hep B and Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines

On May 12th, CDC released new Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) for Hepatitis B and Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13, PCV15, PCV20) vaccines. VISs are the informative documents provided to patients prior to vaccination; they explain risks, benefits, side effects, and other information patients should know about the vaccination they will be receiving. Although patients may decline VISs, federal law requires that VISs must be provided to and acknowledged by patients. If you have already printed copies of now dated VISs, don’t worry -- CDC isn’t making you throw them away. Providers may continue to give patients existing copies of the now-outdated VISs until they run out. Then, providers are required to use the updated versions.

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